samedi 3 novembre 2012

Are "Talking Stars" Ramandus or Oyerasu acc. to Baruch?

Sola Scriptura or Tota Scriptura?
Did Benedict XV call Geocentrism in Question?
other look on same:
On : Benedict XV, To/From : mhfm1, Dates: 29-VII - 4-VIII-2013
Are "Talking Stars" Ramandus or Oyerasu acc. to Baruch?
A Christian Also Could Say: there is no religion higher than truth ...

As mentioned, the Prophecy of Baruch talks about a kind of dialogue between "stars" and their maker:

Baruch 3: [32] But he that knoweth all things, knoweth her, and hath found her out with his understanding: he that prepared the earth for evermore, and filled it with cattle and fourfooted beasts: [33] He that sendeth forth light, and it goeth: and hath called it, and it obeyeth him with trembling. [34] And the stars have given light in their watches, and rejoiced: [35] They were called, and they said: Here we are: and with cheerfulness they have shined forth to him that made them.

Now, on the face of it, this would seem to contradict the weaker form of the Ramandu principle and say that all stars are angelic spirits rather than just moved by such.

If so, Stephen II Tempier would have contradicted Holy Scripture. But if you think of it, one can speak of calling for instance a radio station or writing to a city, when one means calling the people who staff the radio station or the people who rule the city or relevant aspect of it. Like "the Church of Rome greetings to the Church of Corinth" meaning that Pope Clement wrote to the bishop or either of rivalling bishops (but I think the rivalry was just in the priesthood under a single bishop) of Corinth - not that the St John of Lateran building grew arms or wrote on its own walls before finding a way to convey that writing to a similar building in Corinth.

So, Baruch 3 does make sense even if burning gas balls are not the bodies of angels but only pieces of equipment they handle for decorative and ceremonial purposes in the Heavenly Court.

It would however not make sense if there were no nor had ever been any giants (vs26-27). The kind of people that Jadis, the White Witch came from.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Paris, Mouffetard
St Hubert's Day

In this or previous post you may find references to writings of C. S. Lewis, which writings are fictions. Does this make them unsuitable to be brought up in serious discussions? Of course not, as little as Sherlock Holmes, though quite as fictional, would be unsuitable in a discussion of logic, especially that of the Negative-Positive mode of reasoning of Polydisjunctional premisses. Or as little as Dante's Divina Commedia would be unsuitable in a discussion of Purgatory. By the way, we should be praying for the Souls who are there.

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