Conditions for re-publishing my articles, see this link. Conditions, FR
I use comments (those by myself) like PS. J'utilise mes propres commentaires comme PS.
jeudi 30 août 2012
Sortez les Ducobu de l'École, S'Ils Veulent!
Comme on sait l'élève Ducobu s'est mis dans la tête qu'il est nul en maths. Notemment il n'arrive pas à comprendre quel est le produit de six et sept ou pourquoi ça ressemble au produit de quatre et dix augmenté de deux. S'il était vraiment mal doué pour les maths?
En révenche il aime les arbres. Tellement qu'il déteste voir le papier gaspillé dans l'école. Et pour Ducobu c'est gaspillé, puisqu'il n'y apprend pas les maths, ni grande chose en ortho, ni grande chose en histoire (sauf celles qui sont sérialisées en Pif Gadget) ...
Ayant été professeur il y a une décision administrative dont je suis fier: d'avoir mis avec les autres professeurs un Ducobu, très gentil, un peu méprisant avec moi, mais ça va, je ne lui en veux pas (j'ai eu des pires ennemis que des gens gentils un peu méprisants: genre gens trop gentils trop méprisants de mes droits, et ça, ce n'était pas lui). Son professeur préféré était celui de fabrication en bois. Et c'est aussi lui qui a suggéré ce que j'ai presque applaudi: il allait la plupart des heures chez un cuistot.
Là il était mieux que chez moi. La dernière leçon que je l'ai eu, il s'était fortement trompé sur un problème mathématique, pas par un seul faux calcul, mais simplement en se trompant sur quel calcul qui était à faire selon la problématique de maths appliqués. Peut-être faisait-il semblant pour vérifier que je n'étais pas totalement stupide. Il y en avait qui le faisaient à l'époque, il y en a eu après.
Et sans eux dans l'école il y a peut-être des rats de bibliothèques qui ne passent plus pour des bûcheurs? Qui peuvent s'adonner aux leçons des sujets qu'ils aiment?
L'obstacle est Jules Ferry. Il a rendu le collège obligatoire. Je viens de lire un article où sa morale était exemplifié par la phrase:
"On doit se donner de mal pour aider les autres."
Et si la bonne morale était plutôt qu'on doive faire bien ou donner du bien aux autres pour les aider ou pour les rejouir?
Le pauvre Latouche est par contre supplicié par la morale de Jules Ferry: il se donne vraiment du mal pour faire comprendre à Ducobu que 6 * 7 = 42 ou parfois plutôt pour lui faire passer le message qu'en l'ignorant il sera une grande nulle dans la vie. Et ça se traduit en des rhythmes scolaires stressés pour tous. Y compris pour Élodie Gratin.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
mercredi 29 août 2012
Why the Guestbook Spam? Possible Explanation
My Guestbook at 13:20, 23 h and 20 minutes or so after last clean up
108 entries, of which very many are clear spam (medical, commercial, maybe porn, tips about how to write better or about making my blogs accessible to paying viewers only ....)
A certain "rabgluttga" returned II times only (!!!!!!!!!!!).
Here we will see if spammers were possibly trying to hide something:
My Guestbook at 13:32, after cleanup.
14 entries, last two directed at two girls from Poland I met in a park, subject being the story of a married (as in heterosexually married) man who identifies as a homosexual otherwise. The only thing I am proning when it comes to homosexuals having a right to marry. Of course they have a right to be celibate too. There is no such thing as a right to sodomy. And the guy who married a gal and got three daughters happily knew that. Links about him in last two entries.
If you want to write an entry, please make it better than the spam I have had! Like about things you would want me to write about on my blogs, or arguments you have against my positions (any of them, not just this one) or for them if I have not already thought of them, and so forth ....
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Bibliothèque Parmentier
St John's Decapitation
29th of August 2012
108 entries, of which very many are clear spam (medical, commercial, maybe porn, tips about how to write better or about making my blogs accessible to paying viewers only ....)
A certain "rabgluttga" returned II times only (!!!!!!!!!!!).
Here we will see if spammers were possibly trying to hide something:
My Guestbook at 13:32, after cleanup.
14 entries, last two directed at two girls from Poland I met in a park, subject being the story of a married (as in heterosexually married) man who identifies as a homosexual otherwise. The only thing I am proning when it comes to homosexuals having a right to marry. Of course they have a right to be celibate too. There is no such thing as a right to sodomy. And the guy who married a gal and got three daughters happily knew that. Links about him in last two entries.
If you want to write an entry, please make it better than the spam I have had! Like about things you would want me to write about on my blogs, or arguments you have against my positions (any of them, not just this one) or for them if I have not already thought of them, and so forth ....
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Bibliothèque Parmentier
St John's Decapitation
29th of August 2012
mardi 28 août 2012
Culture Politique d'Aujourd'hui (républication 13 jours après)
Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera Culture Politique d'Aujourd'hui (républication 13 jours après) · Pourquoi n'est-elle pas ministre de la culture? · New blog on the kid Désolé, Sergueï,
Le 17 je ne serai pas parmi le soutien public pour Pussy Riot.
Quand j'essayais à m'informer sur l'inculpation, je me demandais si c'était just le rhythme punk et le gestuel ou quelque chose dans les mots même qui chocquait.
Mon premier résultat était que dans les mots même il y avait un élément chocquant (pour un éventuel orthodoxe qui détestarait Poutine, pas pour ses amis biensûr), mais de manière équivoque. J'avais pour une phrase trouvé sur Google Translate la traduction française "devenue féministe", ce qui pouvait s'interprêter "puisque tu es devenue féministe" ou "deviens féministe, et ...". Malheureusement, sur leur site de soutien j'ai trouvé une traduction pas automatique mais artistique avec les mots très lourdingues "deviens féministe". Sans équivoque.
Il y avait un autre nombre de lignes, où un mot n'a pas été traduit par Google Translate. Je l'ai malheureusement trouvé sur le site de soutien. Vu que les programmes des ordinateurs n'ont ni entendement ni goût, il paraît qu'un bon ange ait refusé à la machine de faire son oeuvre de traduction.
"Ce qui leur est reproché est ni plus ni moins d'avoir librement exercé leur art", a déclaré le ministre français de la culture. Selon les dires de Jeanne Smits, rédactrice de PRÉSENT.
Il omettait de dire: "sur un endroit pas fait pour ça". Comme certains jeunes de Civitas ont été reprochés pour avoir librement exercé leur engagement civique, aussi sur un endroit pas fait pour ça. Mais qui, à différnce de la Cathédrale, n'était pas en train d'être utilisé pour quelque chose approprié à son but primitif et primaire non plus avant leur intrusion.
Alors à savoir ce qu'on me reproche.
D'avoir librement exercé ma pensé et mon expression scientifique - ou d'avoir "blasphémé" Darwin et Galilée?
D'avoir librement exercé ma pensé et mon expression civique - ou d'avoir "blasphémé" Milk-Qart (comme le ferait d'ailleur un bon Juif en disant Bopheth, d'où les voyelles de Moloch). Ou serait-ce plutôt Tanit dans un cas comme ça? Qu'importe, quand les adirateurs de Moloch sont les adorateurs de Tanit.
Ou d'avoir librement exercé mon droit de prendre un débat en public - que d'autres ont voulu avoir en privé avec moi?
Espérons que les endroits où je bois le café les matins ne se soient pas mis en tête de ma faire la même offerte qu'à Jean Madiran en 1955:
À la suite d'une controverse publique j'avais eu le privilège d'une discussion de plusieurs heures avec Beuve-Méry etc. ... Ils ma'avaient invité pour me proposer le dialogue. Mais à la condition qu'il demeure privé. Ils refusaient absolument ce que je réclamais absolument : qu'il soit public.
Ainsi le numéro du samedi 11 août. Espérons donc que la France, même en politique, ne soit pas tellement clannique que le fait que je boive café dans un lieu autorise dans les yeux du public que ce lieu m'impose d'avoir donné mon blog comme un dialogue purement privé. Il ne l'est pas. Et je n'aime pas qu'on m'ait imposé une chose comme ça au nom de ce qui alors serait pas l'hospitalité qu'on aurait pu espérer trouver comme sdf même de droite monarchiste mais une hypocrisie de trichérie maçonnique.
Espérons donc que tel ou tel endroit, si j'aurais toujours besoin, n'essaie pas à m'imposer le dialogue privé.
Mais si on le fait, je ne serais toujours pas parmi le soutien public pour Pussy Riot.
Comme aussi mon non à la CPE en 2006 (oui, je me suis melé dans une affaire qui d'abord ne concerne que les français, mais à l'époque je pensais peut-être aller épouser une française ...) a cessé d'être un soutien pour les démo de non dès que:
- les organisateurs ont exprimé leur soutien à l'obligation scolaire tandis que je trouvais CPE une solution bonne avec modifications pour des jeunes entre 14-18 en train d'échouer la scolarité et en panne pour autre soutien matériel que la bourse d'études,
- et dès que la démo s'exprimait selon des formules qui rappelaient malédictions africaines.
Même avec certaines sympathies "de gauche" (si on veut) - je trouve qu'on peut être anti-police sans être ni antinationale ni antichrétien - j'ai des principes.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Assomption de la BVM
Consécration de la France
Annuelle selon voeu de Louis XIII
PS: Après avoir publié ceci sur mon autre blog le 15 Août Grégorien, j'ai été dans des situations rocambolesques y compris en psychiatrie jusqu'à lundi passé.
Je ne trouve pas que cela était nécessaire. Si mon intervention était possiblement erronnée à Georges Pompidou, alors ces prises en charges étaient une confusion entre le médical et les autres choses. Par exemple la morale ou le fait de donner des leçons, et ni l'une ni l'autre chose est la fonction de la médicine.
Heureusement mon séjour parmi les psychiatres était un peu court quand même. J'espère que celui de la fille que j'avais voulu aider n'ait pas eu lieu.
Ajouté le 28 août (=15 selon le calendrier Julien)
Bibliotèque Fessart/Paris
Hans-Georg Lundahl
dimanche 12 août 2012
Russia and Natural Law
Muslim Sect Leader Kept Kids in Bunker for Decade, Russia Says
At least three cult members also face criminal charges for parental negligence, she said. Twenty children were in the sect, including 12 of pre-school age, and will be kept away from their parents while authorities decide whether to put them into foster care, according to the prosecutor’s office. The children were denied medical care and schooling, Petrova said.
First of all, it is not quite correct to categorise as children everyone under 18. A girl ceases to be whatever "little school girl" is in Russian and becomes a Dyevushka at age 12 according to a Russian grammar from before the Revolution (the word stem Dyeva being rich in diminutives the chapter on diminutives was exemplified by those of Dyeva). Presumably the Czars did not expect boys to wait until eiighteen either before being able to marry. And therein they were quite at one with the Popes of Rome and the Kings of Spain for comparable periods.
But second of all, even with those who are children, once it is assured they will not be kept under ground for another day, once their eyes have got used to daylight, should be returned to any parent not facing criminal charges.
One does not need to be a prophet to realise that state crimes against the natural law, God will not let it go on forever. Either Christian states cease committing the crimes of Communism or they will cease to exist, sooner or later.
According to Pope Leo XIII Christ granted Satan one Century. The one from 1903 to 2003. It is finished. Christ must have the Christian nations back either by conversion of statesmen or by ... Apocalypse ch. XIX. I am not that eager for Harmageddon as not to want states to take the other road and be Christian once again.
Living under ground certainly must have had its bad sides, but being placed in foster homes because one's parents followed a man who was claiming to know what man cannot know, the day and hour of the Day of Judgement, is hardly any better.
In the German Süddeutsche Zeitung I read that one child welfare agent claimed for no children being returned to parents before a long therapy. Being subjected to a long therapy or having one's parents subjected to it, is hardly any better either.
It is against the natural law, against the law which "God has written in the hearts of the Gentiles". It is as much against the natural law as Islamic Slave Hunt and Turkish Janissary Recruitment have been for Centuries.
And that means one need not even be Christian to realise this is wrong.
If any "Orthodox" here cites a certain Romanides as saying that there is no natural law after the sin of the first parents, I say Romanides was not Orthodox, but a Calvinist Heretic, when it came to the "T" of the Calvinist "TULIP", "T" meaning "Total corruption" in the Five Points of the Calvinist Heresy.
And I claim the Calvinist Heresy was not only condemned by Trent and by Roman Catholics, but also by Jerusalem and Iasi and thus by Eastern Orthodox.
There is a natural law, even after the fall, even though without grace it is impossible for a man to completely follow it. But as for officials in a Christian state, they have no excuse for not being in a state of grace. Are there no priests they can confess to? Have they no Liturgy where they can receive Communion?
And thus, if Russia wants to be Christian, it must cease things not only un-Christian but even un-natural, as the Communist God-denyers did between 1917 and 1990.
I do not claim to be a prophet, only to be a man and a Christian. And to realise that the natural law is compulsory just as much for governments as for individuals. It was good to give the children and adolescents back the light of day, even though the men believed they had to stay in a bunker under ground. It would not be good to torment families even because parents tormented their offspring along with themselves.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Georges Pompidou Library
11th Sunday after Pentecost
Memory of St Clare of Assisi
PS: On some Saturdays I take my breakfast with other homeless at a table of the hospitality of the St Stephen's Church on the Hill of Paris (St Étienne du Mont), and one morning I was complaining about similar illdeeds in Sweden. One Bulgarian asked why I thought Monarchy would make things any better. But I had not spoken of Monarchy that morning. However, one reason why monarchy just might make things better is that it leaves less room for parlamentarians wanting to pose as wellinformed and enlightened to shine with new so called progressive legislation, like the legislations allowing so many states officials to take away so many children or even adolescents from their parents.
DICI, Zuhlsdorf and My Five Cents
This much I had written when a black man, possibly or even probably Muslim, sitting next to me in the Library of Georges Pompidou Centre taunted me about my fast and therefore energetic and loud typing. I mean he was typing his comments under a picture as if he were doing a painting, and good luck to him, but it really pisses me off very much to have people interrupting my work in order to comment about my way of doing it. So I forgot what I was going to say. Mind blank.
What John Henry Cardinal Newman stated in Grammar of Assent, I do not know. I have not read it. I do however know that in History of the Arians of the IVth Century, any conciliar condemnations before Nicea condemning "consubstantialis" had been not in Ecumenic Councils, therefore not directly dogma. And he states that those statements were mostly condemning Patripassianism and Modalism, a heresy opposite to Arianism and in some ways even worse. Therefore also condemned earlier. I do also know that when it came to one kind of opposition to it which was clearly a real oppposition, namely Paul of Samosata, an Arius before Arius so to speak, John Henry Newman very clearly called him heterodox. An innovator even if not yet a condemned heretic.
So, I have a problem with anyone seeing as fully Ecumenic Councils both Lateran IV (enjoining a war on heresy, and not just the real baddies, the Albigensian heresy) and Vatican II (calling religious liberty a basic human right).
I have equally a problem with anyone seeing as fully Ecumenic Councils both Florence (enjoining something very close to feeneyism) and Vatican II (which does not directly repudiate feeneyism in so many words, but at least encourages a neglect of it).
But as for anyone saying "an Ecumenical Council cannot be removed from the number of Ecumenical Councils", that is impossible for the Papal theology shared by Patriarch Photius of Constantinople and the latter day Roman Catholics.
A dead Pope can also be repudiated: we know Popes during all the Middle Ages abjured the Heresies of Liberius and Honorius, and we know Pope Formosus was dug up and laicised and tried and burnt and his ashes were thrown into the Tiber.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
locus ut dixi
11th Sunday after Pentecost
Memory of St Clare
*DICI quoted on blog of Fr Zuhlsdorf with comments: link here.
All changes introduced at the Council and in the post-Conciliar reforms which we denounce, because the Church has already condemned them, are confirmed. With the difference that, from now on, it is said, at the same time, that the Church does not change…[sic], which means that these changes are perfectly in the line of Catholic Tradition.Fr. Zuhlsdorf:*
[Hmmm... I wonder what the position of some of the SSPXers is on the thought of Ven. John Henry Newman concerning development of doctrine. I honestly don't know. This might be an interesting point of discussion, below, if it can be civil.] ... [The SSPX wants, it seems, a total repudiation of the Second VAtican Council? Partial? D'ya think that's going to happen? Papa Ratzinger has written that perhaps it would have been better for some Councils in the past never to to have been held. That, however, doesn't mean that we repudiate them entirely. We put them in proper perspective and then move on. But what if your view of the Church and of doctrine doesn't alow for "moving on" or "development". This is why I asked that question, above.]Now to my five cents:
- A) A dogma is a dogma.
- B) A valid decision of an Ecumenical Council is dogma.
- c) What Councils are Ecumenical and how an Ecumenical Council decides are or have at least long been not dogmas, but "dogmatic facts".
- D) Whether these facts are dogmatic or not, there has been divergence about them.
- i) Vth Ecumenical Council had a Pope signing a Condemnation of the Three Chapters of Ibas and Bishops Voting a Condemnation of Origenist positions, fourteen of them I think, including Apocastasis ton panton. If vote decides, Origenism is condemned already back then as most people or maybe all of them subsequently thought. If Papal signature decides, then Three Chapters of Ibas were condemned back then, and Origenism was condemned later by people thinking it had already been condemned - if you admit Innocent III and Eugene IV had the powers to make decisions on Councils like Latran IV and Florence.
- ij) VIIIth Ecumenical Council of 869 was repudiated by Pope Zacharias who held what some hold to be the real VIIIth Council in 879.
- iij) It seems - regrettably so to me - that Benedict XVI has not been faithful to the decisions of Council of Vienne, 1312-1313. Notably as concern Templars.
This much I had written when a black man, possibly or even probably Muslim, sitting next to me in the Library of Georges Pompidou Centre taunted me about my fast and therefore energetic and loud typing. I mean he was typing his comments under a picture as if he were doing a painting, and good luck to him, but it really pisses me off very much to have people interrupting my work in order to comment about my way of doing it. So I forgot what I was going to say. Mind blank.
What John Henry Cardinal Newman stated in Grammar of Assent, I do not know. I have not read it. I do however know that in History of the Arians of the IVth Century, any conciliar condemnations before Nicea condemning "consubstantialis" had been not in Ecumenic Councils, therefore not directly dogma. And he states that those statements were mostly condemning Patripassianism and Modalism, a heresy opposite to Arianism and in some ways even worse. Therefore also condemned earlier. I do also know that when it came to one kind of opposition to it which was clearly a real oppposition, namely Paul of Samosata, an Arius before Arius so to speak, John Henry Newman very clearly called him heterodox. An innovator even if not yet a condemned heretic.
So, I have a problem with anyone seeing as fully Ecumenic Councils both Lateran IV (enjoining a war on heresy, and not just the real baddies, the Albigensian heresy) and Vatican II (calling religious liberty a basic human right).
I have equally a problem with anyone seeing as fully Ecumenic Councils both Florence (enjoining something very close to feeneyism) and Vatican II (which does not directly repudiate feeneyism in so many words, but at least encourages a neglect of it).
But as for anyone saying "an Ecumenical Council cannot be removed from the number of Ecumenical Councils", that is impossible for the Papal theology shared by Patriarch Photius of Constantinople and the latter day Roman Catholics.
A dead Pope can also be repudiated: we know Popes during all the Middle Ages abjured the Heresies of Liberius and Honorius, and we know Pope Formosus was dug up and laicised and tried and burnt and his ashes were thrown into the Tiber.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
locus ut dixi
11th Sunday after Pentecost
Memory of St Clare
*DICI quoted on blog of Fr Zuhlsdorf with comments: link here.
samedi 11 août 2012
That Quote Was Not So Hyperdox ... Herman
"Says all homosexuals are damned. Has an icon of Seraphim Rose."
But using a category like "homosexual" - which is about "sexual orientation" - which is about "taste in temptations against chastity" (excepting married men whose sexual orientation is their wife and married women whose sexual orientation is their husband) - and having it stand for a particular sin against both chastity and nature (when Eugene Rose, still in the world, before his conversion, was fooling around with both sexes, was he at least making babies when the sins against chastity were with women or not, I do not know), is so modernist. And making that sin the one that cannot be forgiven even if one repents of it, is so Calvinist.
Frankly, it is one of the things where a little Latin philosophy might help someone out once in a while. Not tearing things apart that absolutely belong together, but refusing to confuse things that are not the same.
Back when I was was Roumanians for two years - and was treated as if I were Hyperdox Herman in person - I wondered if the Penance of Oscar Wilde, late though it came, had merited by intercession the penances of
I also misremembered a word of Christ - or mingled two of them: the one where Sodom and Gomorrah shall have a better deal on the Day of Judgement than two cities and the one where Prostitutes and Taxcollectors shall enter Heaven before the Jews. I actually thought that the Gay Culture had to start converting before Jews could.
In case anyone wonders, I have not been in love with men, but one of the girls I had crush on was as Lesbian. Is no longer, though her boyfriend is not me. ANOTHER of the girls I had a crush on (back in my Palmarian days) was a Serbian. Wonder if that is why I became Orthodox for a while. If one calls that being Orthodox. Papists do not, since I was not Papist. Photians do not, since I was very Athanasianly filioquist. I used jokingly to call Roman Catholicism as known over centuries "Spanish Orthodox Church" and FSSPX "Swiss Orthodox Church, Patriarchate of Écône".
Anyway, whether Herman wants to be a priest or monk when he has his catechumenate done, or wants to stay a layman, I think his priest might be treating him unfairly by saying he has catechumenitis, sorry, convertitis. If he is seriously worried about whether to be Serbian or Greek or Russian (I was not at first, since I had a stepfather baptised by a Roumanian Uniate, and then I was because I felt myself targeted to convert to either more Photian or more Malthusian positions than I could in good conscience), he might have a problem and "Latin" as in "non-phyletistic Orthodox" alias RC might be the solution, whether he becomes convinced of Papal Supremacy or not. If it comes to spelling with daseia instead of h, I would not like to see that as a statement, I would like to see if 'e can keep that up wiðout looking as if 'e wrote Cockney, ðis 'Yperdox 'Erman - or better still: I'd like if he wrote cockney and spoke it. Greeks no longer pronounce ðe daseia eiðer, so speaking about 'edge'ogs would not be bad. In that line.
My linguistic tip, whether you call that convertitis, hyperdoxy or simply reactionary conservatism: if you learn Russian, use fita and izhitsa for the Greek loans that need them and DO use the yatch and not the ye in contexts like masculine and neuter locative singular or in the stem of Dyeva=Virgin. And do insist that properly speaking a Dyevushka (which is one of the diminutive forms of Dyeva) is between ages 12 and 30. Just like St Mary the Gyshian** had her chance of converting by marriage (not taken, whether the fault was hers or the clients') between her apostasy to a bad life at age 12 and her conversion to anorectic and anachoretic life which was at age 29. God did not want her to fall before she could properly have married and he did not take away her chances of marriage before it was one year before "too late anyway".
It is basically what I do for a language I know much better than Russian: Swedish. In English (except American spelling reform) or even French and German it is less needed, these three basically have their current spelling from the time of Dr Johnson or a little later. But Swedish and Russian went through "language surgery" of a very unnecessary kind (1870's/1906/1950 vs Russian Revolution) very recently, meaning that the older spelling was also used pretty recently, by people speaking a basically identical language, and can therefore be restored. At Constance - yes, I know Hyperdox Herman does not count this as a Council, but this concerns an episode - the Emperor used the form "schismae" and grammarians promptly corrected him that "schisma" being a Greek neuter noun needed a Genetive and Dative that went like "schismatis/schismati". He argued that he was above the Grammarians. They replied he was not above the Grammar. As Emperor Claudius (I) had found out when he had wanted to introduce a half M to denote the nasal vowel in "sum" instead of the m, and a vowel for schwa or ü instead of the i/u in "optimus/optumus". If they were right, that means that the language reforms touching Swedish and Russian were ultra vires of those governments. Not meaning that imposing per compulsion the older spelling would be intra vires, but using it voluntarily is a protest against that proceeding.
But when it comes to concepts that sound modern - like "homosexual" - and maybe are modern, one tip is to avoid them till you find out what they mean, or ask "what is the guy trying to say and how would a real philosopher like Aquinas have stated it"? I had to make such a reflection yesterday since Disney in a war film was misusing as "opposite of reason" the word "emotion" (which includes things quite as much "with reason" like "just indignation" as it includes things "without reason" or "contrary to right reason" like itching for sins against not only chastity but even nature). A blooper Disney could make as a XXth C. man but which a man like St Thomas Aquinas was not likely to make in the XIIIth C.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Georges Pompidou Library
of Paris, and day after
St Lawrence of 2012
*He seems to have been the sole sexual predator in Palmar, and his victims were not children or teens as far as I know but monks and nuns acting under what they considered religious obedience. Wonder if the Palmarians today have something particualr to say about "indiscrete obedience" like obedience when one is sometimes not obliged to obey and sometimes even obliged not to obey a superior? Anyway he died in 2003 and his immediate successor Pedro II in 2011. Now they are at Gregorio XVIII.
**In Paris St Mary of Egypt was called l'Égyptienne but later La Jussienne. I wanted to English that as Gypsian but ... I am not sure how much or little she is honoured by Catholic or Orthodox gypsies by the way. Gyshian is a bit closer.
vendredi 10 août 2012
Observations sur les Monts de Piété et le Contractus Trinus
- Mont de Piété
- - Institut de Crédit
- - Municipale
- - Dont l'Interêt couvre soit la totalité des frais salariales du personnel vivant frugalement
- - soit en couvre la moitié, l'autre étant couvert par la municipalité moyennant quelque impôt ou revenu
- - dont les dettes non payés sont payés par enchères des objets mis en gage
- - qui sont là pour les pauvres (que ça soit des personnes ou des petites entreprises qui galèrent)
- - et pour que l'avidité des usuriers n'engloutisse pas toute leur propriété.
- - Municipale
- statut théologique:
- Licite dans cette définition, selon une des sessions du Concile de Latran V et Pape Léon X.*
- Contractus Trinus
- - Contrat de simple prêt sans interêt, constituant un contrat des trois
- - Contrat de prêt-d-inverstissement avec une hausse ou baisse du rendu selon les fortunes de la compagnie à laquelle on prête, constituant un autre contrat entre les trois
- - Contrat finale en pratique annulant les autres deux, qui conclut pour un interêt fixé comme moyenne entre une hausse expecté selon contrat deux et un rendu à même valeur sûr selon le premier contrat.
- - Contrat de prêt-d-inverstissement avec une hausse ou baisse du rendu selon les fortunes de la compagnie à laquelle on prête, constituant un autre contrat entre les trois
- statut théologique:
- Illicite, selon le jugement du Pape Sixte V, largément ignoré.
- prêt-d-investissement
- prêt qui fait du prêteur un partenaire passif temporaire de l'entreprise et qui est donc fixé comme un pourcentage de l'entreprise plutôt que comme une somme: si un prêt constituant 5% des valeurs d'une entreprise immédiatement après le prêt, nécessaire pour qu'elle fasse face à telle situation ou autre est à 1000 ducates, alors la somme sera toujours 5% des valeurs de l'entreprise le jour de rendement, et si l'entreprise monte en valeurs de 20.000 à 24.000 ducates, en seront restitués 5%, donc 1.200 ducates, si par contre l'entreprise baisse à la valeur de 16.000 ducates, la restitution sera de 5% aussi, c'est à dire juste de 800 ducates.
- statut théologique:
- Licite selon les termes de Session X (me semble-t-il), car alors le prêteur prend une risque, qui est un des tîtres légitimes pour lucrum/profit.
Commentaires sur le Mont de Piété:
Avec les impôts actuels, tous les frais de gestion pourraient être gerés par les municipalités, sans aucune prise d'interêt. Si par contre on prend interêt, alors il faudra baisser les impôts (ce qui allège la situation de petits entrepreneurs et qui amoindrit le besoin de crédit).
En plus: l'initiative est municipale selon la récommendation de certains prêcheurs, dont le Bx Bernardin de Sienne. Il s'agit de Communes vivant formellement dans l'Empire et dont la législation ne permet pas d'interdire les usuriers de prendre interêt, notemment s'ils sont Juifs et donc en dehors de l'interdit fait aux Chrétiens de le prendre. Le Concile n'a pas dit qu'il soit interdit à un état pleinement souverain d'amoindrir le besoin de crédit en amoindrissant la compétition en amoindrissant l'offre de crédit en interdisant ou limitant en pourcentages l'usure.
Pour le Contractus Trinus:
Il n'est pas interdit de faire un contrat qui va mi-chemin entre le prêt (sans interêt) et le prêt-d-investissement.* Mais celui-ci n'est pas le contrat qui fait mi-chemin entre les résultats comptés d'un contrat et les résultats directement contractuels de l'autre; plutôt il sera un prêt-d-investissement qui limite à la fois les pertes en cas de baisse de cette entreprise et exactement aussi beaucoup les profits en cas de hausse. Par exemple si les 1000 ducates sont divisés en deux: 500 seront prêt sans interêt, donc fixés à 500 ducates, les autres seront prêt-d-investissement, donc fixés à 2,5%. Ou encore que l'investissement peut aller jusqu'à perdre ou gagner par exemple 200 ducates, mais audelà c'est comme un prêt.
Nota Bene, j'ai ignoré le Code Canonique de 1917. Je l'ai ignoré comme suspect de modernisme. Pacelli était proche de Rampolla. Et aussi parce que j'ai aimé clarifier les principes de la théologie catholique avant la capitulation (largément) devant le fait des usuriers.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Georges Pompidou/Beaubourg
St Laurent de 2012 (10/VIII)
*Les premiers monts de piété fournissaient des prêts monétaires sans interêt. Par exemple des monts de piété en Espagne dont un groupe de clientèle étaient les étudiants, qui prêtaient sans interêt pour pouvoir étudier. Je crois qu'un des premiers soit ouvert en 1468 en Espagne, donc 500 ans avant ma naissance.
Il y a eu aussi des monts agraires, là un interêt est naturel puisque la sémence est par nature fertile. Il semble que le lointain ancêtre de Monsanto (dont les pratiques actuels sont peu pieuxes) pourrait être un tel mont agraire. Car un "mont de piété" pouvait être appelé un "mont saint."
**Le prêt-d-invistessement est par exemple nommé Nauticum foenus - en espagnol Préstamo a la gruesa ventura - et, il est, à différence du contractus trinus et du prêt à interêt, juste. Si Cristophe Colombe était tombé du bord d'une terre plate, ou plutôt son bateau mais lui-même en survivant, au moins il n'aurait rien dû à reine Isabel, donc il est juste qu'elle eût un prix du risque dès qu'il ait réussi, comme il l'a fait. Ceci est toute une autre histoire qu'un banquier (ou autre!) qui peut ruiner encore et encore un entrepreneur (ou autre emprunteur) qui n'a pas réussi, non seulement en reclamant le capital mais encore interêt et interêts sur interêt.
On peut ajouter que le Pape Grégoire IX a condamné aussi prêts à la grosse aventure comme un contrat usurieux. Là il semble contredit par les définitions de Latran V et de Léon X, puisque pour qualifier un contrat comme usurieux ce texte cite l'absence de risque:
Lateranense V, Sessio X
Mais St Thomas pourrait dire que quand il s'agit déjà de payer, alors le risque n'est plus existant. Pourtant, reste que le contrat laissait l'emprunteur libre de dettes en cas de perte.
jeudi 9 août 2012
Amorth, Exorcisme, Psychiatrie et Sorcières
Je viens de le dire moi-même: il y a des cas où la psychiatrie remplace lourdinguement et avec des dégats physiques énormes, l'action d'un exorciste.
Je suis très heureux de voir que Dom Gabriele Amorth partage cette vue.
Par contre, comme les Pharisiens avaient toute une autre vue sur les besoins d'exorcisme que Notre Seigneur (qui n'était jamais dans l'état qu'on a vu chez le possédé à Gadara) ainsi il y a parmi les psychiatres des gens dont les idées sur la nécessité d'internément dépasse largissimément ceux qui en sont réellement de l'exorcisme.
J'ai été interné (rassurez-vous, c'était il y a longtemps) et vu un sur dix fou. Les autres non. Ma mère qui avait aussi eu des expériences doloureuses avec cette entité, et qui peut être regardée comme une martyr à leurs mains, m'a confirmé: entre un sur dix et un sur vingt est fou.
Si vous êtes ami d'un psychiatre, vous risquez donc d'avoir une vue totalement pharisaïque sur les besoins alternativement de psychiatrie et de l'exorcisme.
Encore une chose: il note que les sorcières sont parmi les enfermées en psychiatrie et qu'elles l'étaient parmi les exorcées (d'ailleurs là où elles étaient exorcées, elles n'étaient généralement pas brûlées et vice versa, selon ses dires) - mais dans la psychiatrie il y a des Chrétiens qui périssent lentement à côté des sorcières et des mages.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Georges Pompidou/Beaubourg
Veille de St Laurent Diâcre et Martyr
mardi 7 août 2012
Dianétique et Hypnothérapie - Où Est La Différence?
Après ce vidéo, je suis heureux ni avoir eu recours à l'une ni à l'autre. Le dianéticien se prend déjà le souci moral de ne pas dominer la volonté du "pre-clear", à part ça, c'est la même chose. Et si l'hypnose n'est pas mal en soi, où est le mal? Dans les deux cas: "the cult has your secrets". Pourquoi serais-je méfiant envers une secte américaine et privée et naïf envers une secte française ou suédoise et soutenue par les universités, l'état et donc aussi la finance?
Ça dit: je trouve très bien que la CCHR ou en français CCDR dénonce les psychiatres avec leurs drogues et leurs électrochocs, avec leurs diagnoses bidon. Même si les mêmes gens aussi redirigent vers la dianétique, dont le auditing est une forme d'hypnothérapie, extrêmement éricksonnienne dans son respect pour le libre arbitre de l'hypnotisé à chaque instant - au moins un respect qui est là pro forma, et qui ne garantit pas qu'on ne sera pas finalement manipulé. Leur manque d'honnêteté vis-à-vis l'un thème ne constitue pas une démentie de leur honnêteté sur l'autre, sur les manipulations et destructions cérébrales de leur compétition.
Le problème fondamentale demeure une société avec trop de pression pour changer, une société où la mentalité de chacun au status quo n'est que trop souvent refusée comme trop mauvaise tandis que ce n'est pas le cas. L'état n'est pas là comme l'église - c'est à dire comme l'église catholique car le protestantisme et les religions non-chrétiennes ne sont pas légitimes - pour changer les mentalités, mais pour assurer une paix extérieure par l'honnêteté dans les transactions et le châtiment des malhonnêtes et des méchants qui perturbent gravement la paix. Comme, pour leur victimes, les psychiatres.
Par contre, les professionnels dans les services pénitentiaires ou encore la suivie après prison, les récruteurs de personnel, les officiers de l'armée ou de la police, les professeurs de l'école et jusqu'aux simples employeurs dans le secteur privé oublient ça, ambitionnent à remodeler l'homme. Ou encore des parents qui ont oublié que leur tâche de former les charactères de leur progéniture a une limite dans l'âge de jeunesse, qu'ils n'ont pas le droit de chercher à refaire les déjà mûrs (quelles que soient autrement leurs immaturités imaginaires ou réelles, ou presque). Et ceci est une situation spécifiquement moderne. Elle est liée à une ambition de domination qui remonte à la loge et à la synagogue ou à certaines secteurs de la synagogue./HGL
samedi 4 août 2012
It is Good Not to be One-Eyed, TFP!
TFP: Is There a Good Liberation Theology?
In order to answer this question, in their article:
a) they quote one liberation theologer (Gutierrez, a prominent one) as not good and do not ask if there are any others (like as asking if Gilbert Keith Chesterton and Luigi Sturzo were possibly good "liberation theologians" in a broader, non-Gutierran sense),
b) there reason for condemning him is in the end that he shares Karl Marx' definition of the injustice of Capitalism (as if for instance José Antonio had not lauded Karl Marx' analysis of the wrongs of Capitalism, only differring about the proper solution to that wrong),
c) when they - quite rightly - say that only the truth sets free and that one should be faithful to the traditional magisterium, and defiant of novelties, in their own words:
they still watch out only in one direction, against the left. I have never seen them criticise the modern state for being too interfering in the lives of the poor (unless it be for Malthusian purposes, they are that faithful to the magisterium, thank God) or Capitalism for using illicit methods of gain, unjust to those paying interest on money loans, unjust to consumers paying too much or getting a product of very doubtful health benefits (such as aspartame leading to brain decay or vaccinations leading to autism or neuroleptics used for torture in mental hospitals) or of employees having if not too little pay in the West at least having too many hours and too much interference even before becoming employees.
Even the tools of Marxist tyrannies seem not to inspire their horror when such can be taken from that use and be reused - with little difference - by the Christian right they want to set up.
I also want to see a Christian state. I also want less taxes and among other things less paid (or nothing paid) on tax money for birth control, abortion and a few more. But I also want fewer poor children (or none at all) taken away from their real parents and be given to rich foster homes supposedly more responsible , and that area is one in which I see in the right too little horror at wasting tax money on tyranny. I also want fewer beggars chased away from where they are begging (none at all would be utopic, some places can be overloaded, some beggars can be hard to bear with), and hence a little less paid to police doing that task and a little less paid to security doing that task. And I do not see TFP or their French counterparts writing against these malpractises, wasting tax money and bothering people not having the power of the state. I joined a group for the establishment of the Social Kingdom of Christ in America. The group administrator seems to think or to have thunk that it would be licit to take away children from the Muslim minority and raise them in Catholic schools. "Otherwise" leaving parental authority intact. I can say with pride that he got heat from me and with gladness that he got some heat and no support from other group members on that one.
The Corporative solution says "harmony between the classes", not simply Capitalist domination over Proletarians. It is against class struggle such as the leftist proposition of making a classless society by confiscating all private property and putting it in the hands of "all", but it is equally opposed, at least in the theoretic speeches made by some (like Mussolini, like Perón, like José Antonio) to mere domination of the Capitalist class over the working class, whether rural or industrial. Some advances from politicians close to Capitalist interests are such as would leave workers with, not only on Marxist theory, but first and foremost on the theory of harmony between the classes, with today a right to just defense.
It is being said that such and such a car producer is closing down in Aulnay in order to produce in China. But although the theory of confiscation of private property because of inequality has not found favour with the Church, the theory of protectionism at frontiers in order to protect production within the country from unfair competition from cheaper and indeed underpaid workers abroad has not found disfavour with the Church. Nor has the theory of working collectives using their savings to buy what belonged to employers who already want to sell. If the management of - is it Peugeot? - no longer wants to employ the thousand workers in Aulnay, it can no longer complain if they use their know-how to make a new co-operative workers owned car factory on the site previously owned by Peugeot. That is not as if the Marxists had confiscated and socialised their property, it is a question of buying what Peugeot anyway wants to sell.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Mouffetard, Paris
St Jean-Marie Vianney
(bonne fête M. LePen!)
In order to answer this question, in their article:
a) they quote one liberation theologer (Gutierrez, a prominent one) as not good and do not ask if there are any others (like as asking if Gilbert Keith Chesterton and Luigi Sturzo were possibly good "liberation theologians" in a broader, non-Gutierran sense),
b) there reason for condemning him is in the end that he shares Karl Marx' definition of the injustice of Capitalism (as if for instance José Antonio had not lauded Karl Marx' analysis of the wrongs of Capitalism, only differring about the proper solution to that wrong),
c) when they - quite rightly - say that only the truth sets free and that one should be faithful to the traditional magisterium, and defiant of novelties, in their own words:
At this time of extreme confusion, let us remain faithful to the faith of our fathers, rather than run after lying novelties,
they still watch out only in one direction, against the left. I have never seen them criticise the modern state for being too interfering in the lives of the poor (unless it be for Malthusian purposes, they are that faithful to the magisterium, thank God) or Capitalism for using illicit methods of gain, unjust to those paying interest on money loans, unjust to consumers paying too much or getting a product of very doubtful health benefits (such as aspartame leading to brain decay or vaccinations leading to autism or neuroleptics used for torture in mental hospitals) or of employees having if not too little pay in the West at least having too many hours and too much interference even before becoming employees.
Even the tools of Marxist tyrannies seem not to inspire their horror when such can be taken from that use and be reused - with little difference - by the Christian right they want to set up.
I also want to see a Christian state. I also want less taxes and among other things less paid (or nothing paid) on tax money for birth control, abortion and a few more. But I also want fewer poor children (or none at all) taken away from their real parents and be given to rich foster homes supposedly more responsible , and that area is one in which I see in the right too little horror at wasting tax money on tyranny. I also want fewer beggars chased away from where they are begging (none at all would be utopic, some places can be overloaded, some beggars can be hard to bear with), and hence a little less paid to police doing that task and a little less paid to security doing that task. And I do not see TFP or their French counterparts writing against these malpractises, wasting tax money and bothering people not having the power of the state. I joined a group for the establishment of the Social Kingdom of Christ in America. The group administrator seems to think or to have thunk that it would be licit to take away children from the Muslim minority and raise them in Catholic schools. "Otherwise" leaving parental authority intact. I can say with pride that he got heat from me and with gladness that he got some heat and no support from other group members on that one.
The Corporative solution says "harmony between the classes", not simply Capitalist domination over Proletarians. It is against class struggle such as the leftist proposition of making a classless society by confiscating all private property and putting it in the hands of "all", but it is equally opposed, at least in the theoretic speeches made by some (like Mussolini, like Perón, like José Antonio) to mere domination of the Capitalist class over the working class, whether rural or industrial. Some advances from politicians close to Capitalist interests are such as would leave workers with, not only on Marxist theory, but first and foremost on the theory of harmony between the classes, with today a right to just defense.
It is being said that such and such a car producer is closing down in Aulnay in order to produce in China. But although the theory of confiscation of private property because of inequality has not found favour with the Church, the theory of protectionism at frontiers in order to protect production within the country from unfair competition from cheaper and indeed underpaid workers abroad has not found disfavour with the Church. Nor has the theory of working collectives using their savings to buy what belonged to employers who already want to sell. If the management of - is it Peugeot? - no longer wants to employ the thousand workers in Aulnay, it can no longer complain if they use their know-how to make a new co-operative workers owned car factory on the site previously owned by Peugeot. That is not as if the Marxists had confiscated and socialised their property, it is a question of buying what Peugeot anyway wants to sell.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Mouffetard, Paris
St Jean-Marie Vianney
(bonne fête M. LePen!)
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