mercredi 10 juillet 2013

Who is forcing you, Netanyahu?

I read in a French newspaper (LaCroix):

"Nous sommes contraints à intégrer progressivement les Haridim à l'armée, et surtout sur le marché du travail", explique Benyamin Netanyahou.

I might not like the Haridim or their attitude to Christians or to women very much. I am a Christian myself, you see.

But liking someone and saying they are right on such or such a matter are two things with me.

"We are forced to ..." or "we must ..."? Who is forcing you?

Bilderberg Group? Trilateral commission? A Rothschild even? Who gave any of those power over you?

I may think there is a Christian Palestinian nation to whom your state is unjust and to whom Muslim Palestinians are sometimes unjust too. Is your ambition to be unjust against Jews as well?

What does Genesis tell us of Nemrod?

Chapter 10:8 Now Chus begot Nemrod: he began to be mighty on the earth.

9 And he was a stout hunter before the Lord. Hence came a proverb: Even as Nemrod the stout hunter before the Lord.

And what does the Catholic comment say about it?

Ver. 9. A stout hunter. Not of beasts, but of men; whom by violence and tyranny he brought under his dominion. And such he was, not only in the opinion of men, but before the Lord; that is, in his sight who cannot be deceived. (Challoner) --- The Septuagint call him a giant; that is, a violent man. According to Josephus, he stirred up men to rebel against the Lord, maintaining that all their happiness must come from themselves, &c., Antiquities i. 4. Thus he broached the first heresy after the deluge. (Worthington) --- He seems to have been the same as Bel, father of Ninus, and the author of idolatry. (Menochius)

Rob Skiba would maybe not agree that by "giant" is only meant being a violent man. He would say - and I think he might be right - that some traits of Nephelim came through one or two of the wives of the sons of Noah (though not through Sem's wife) on to people like Nemrod and later Hercules and Goliath.

But let us stay with Challoner: "A stout hunter. Not of beasts, but of men; whom by violence and tyranny he brought under his dominion. And such he was, not only in the opinion of men, but before the Lord; that is, in his sight who cannot be deceived."

Nemrod is thus akin to Robespierre in the French Revolution or whoever it was who wanted to draft all the French into the Revolutionary Wars. Thereby provoking the righteous rising known as Les Chouans. But Robespierre at least was no Communist in the sense of forcing people to take service with employers. Unless I missed something.

Is it some fraternity that claims to have been founded by Nemrod that is forcing you? Are B'nai B'rith and Skull and Bones putting pressure on you?

Or are you perhaps idolising a certain vision of the future? C. S. Lewis said "mellontolatry is a fuddled religion".

Idolising the future is idolising you do not know what. It is certainly not praying to the true God. Bad for you and bad for the Haridim they and you do not recognise the Holy Trinity, but worse for you who seem set on some real strange idolatry.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
BpI, Georges Pompidou
Seven Martyr brothers in Rome,
sons of Saint Felicitas

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