mercredi 27 juin 2012

Les Récompenses et Châtiments selon la secte maçonnique

1) Les Récompenses et Châtiments selon la secte maçonnique, 2) Si un Catholique dit "montre la charité, sinon tu iras aux Enfers" ...

— Mais la Loi naturelle proprement dite, la loi morale qui règle les actions humaines, d'où vient-elle ?
— Elle n'a point d'autre base que la nature de l'homme; c'est embrouiller les choses que d'y faire intervenir la divinité. Ox forma la Loi naturelle de ces règles qui ont pour but le bonheur et la conservation de l'espèce humaine. C'est aux sentiments inhérents à notre nature que l'ox attribue la fondation de la Loi naturelle.
— Ces vagues explications ne me paraissent guère propres à débrouiller l'origine de la Loi naturelle. Ce qu'on y voit clairement, c'est qu'elle n'a point d'autre base que la nature humaine, d'autre objet ni d'autre but que le bonheur et la conservation de l'espèce. Quels sont les devoirs qu'elle prescrit pour atteindre ce but?
— Ces devoirs se résument en trois mots : Conserve-toi. Instruis- toi. Modère-toi. Ces mots renferment toute justice et toute vertu.
— Quels sont les motifs d'observer cette loi? qu'est-ce qui en fait la force obligatoire?
— L'intérêt des individus et de l'humanité.
— Quelles récompenses sont réservées à ceux qui l'observent?
— L'affection, l'estime publique, la gloire, ou , à leur défaut, l'estime de soi-même. N'est-ce pas assez? Songez que l'espoir des récompenses ne peut que diminuer le prix du bien que nous pouvons faire.
— A merveille! et quels sont les châtiments comminés par la Loi?
— La haine, le mépris, l'indignation que la société réserve à ceux qui l'outragent.

— Fort bien ; et ce sont les principes , les dogmes et la Loi des Francs-Maçons ?
— Oui, certainement; et c'est à leur propagation qu'ils ont engagé leur foi.

Quel malheur d'être franc-maçon! Ne sait-on pas comment sont manipulables l'affection, l'estime public, la gloire, même l'estime de soi! Ne sait-on pas comment sont manipulables la haine, le mépris et l'indignation de la société?

Dans les siècles très chrétiennes, la mendicité était respectée, jusqu'au point que la secte Albigeoise et la secte Vaudoise en faisant un argument pour leurs adeptes les plus respectés et écoutés, pour leur pseudoprophètes.

Inversement, les siècles de l'apostasie ont vue un tel mésestime de la mendicité, que l'année de l'expulsion des Jésuites, 1767, a vu aussi l'institution des "dépôts de mendicité": une forme de prison pour les vagabonds, ou ils étaient détenus un an et ou le travail qu'on leur imposa étatit censé leur aider après leur détention de trouver un travail honnête. En même temps, l'industrialisme a vidé pas mal de tâches honnêtes de leurs occasion d'emploi. Le système des dépôts de mendicité a été en place l'avant-dernière décade du XIXe Siècle, les années 1880's.

Et en réponse, des gens même qui vont à la messe sont devenus mépriseurs de la mendicité.

Il y en a qui respectent pas la mendicité d'un certain écrivain et compositeur pas encore vivant des fruits légitimes de son œuvre, par exemple. Y a-t-il eu des gens aussi qui méprisaient les professeur qui mendiaient en Russie, les années 1990' parce que leur état n'était pas capable de les payer? Il y a des gens qui demandent à un homme de 43, pas le plus doué d'une attention et habilité sans faille, ni de muscles, de se mettre plutôt aux travaux manuels qu'à l'écriture. Il y a des gens qui pensent que leur mépris est la preuve qu'un homme devait prendre pour suffisante que ses ambitions intellectuelles et artiqtiques sont échouées.

Quel malheur d'être franc-maçon et de ne pas croire aux châtiments et aux récompenses après la mort! Pas non seulement pour la victime de cette campagne, si j'avais eu le malheur d'être franc-maçon et pas chrétien, mais également pour les meneurs et les gens qu'ils mènent!

Mais aussi quel malheur de refaire la pastorale de l'église en image de cette pseudopastorale maçonnique! Quel malheur pour un prêtre de conseiller quelqu'un de se taire parce que ses mots déplaisent "au public" et en dernière analyse à la loge! Quel malheur de prendre pour un désobéissant envers l'église et ses préceptes quelqu'un qui néglige, en faveur de la règle chrétienne de la foi et des mœurs, les préjugés des coparoissiens! Oui, les préjugés envers lui-même.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Jour de St Stanislas d'Hongrie
27 - VI - 2012

mardi 26 juin 2012

Three Generations of Fantasy

One may say with some confidence that the writing of what in bookstores and libraries and book reviews is called fantasy falls broadly into 3 generations : XIXth C. aestheticism is first, then the generation that knew the Cross, but not always the Cross of Christ, third is the generation of playing around with fantasy conventions.

Obviously there are overlaps. I would place Mervin Peake into the first two excluding only the third, and I would place Lloyd Alexander in the latter two, excluding only the first.

Now more typical products of the third are things like Xanth and Incarnations of Immortality, by Pierce Anthony, Good Omen and Colour of Magic (or all of the Discworld series) by Pratchett and, more than anything else today, outpassing even Dark Materials (which is untypical and in fact an atheist reaction to the second generation, more particularly CSL), Harry Potter by Rowling.

I happen to be personally allergic to Harry Potter. I am therefore not qualified to make a sober criticism of it, and especially of its magic content. I am allergic to it for quite other reasons than spells, and that is the fact that it is a boarding school story. A story in which people who are supposed to be good scheme to give some « rotter » a lesson he needs, and in which bad people, supposedly worse than the good ones, scheme to give lessons to someone who is in fact not a rotter. Maybe because he is not a rotter. And of course the mistake, good guys thinking they are giving a lesson to a rotter and finding out he is not a rotter (I read one such story before I went to boarding school, I think it happens to Harry Potter too, but since I am allergic to boarding school stories, I am not quite sure, I have not checked out. I think C. S. Lewis, who suffered even more, at least directly, at boarding school than I, would have understood my aversion quite well. Whether he would have shared it or not. I am quite as allergic to the story I read before going to boarding school, or to the boarding school stories of Enid Blyton, much as I love her Famous Five series or X of Adventure (for X insert island, mountain, river, ship … et c. in title). Since that is the case, I will NOT offer my opinions on Harry Potter and magic in those. Literarily, it belongs to the third generation, insofar as magic in it is often used for purposes of farce, of buffoonery.

I will tell you of stories I did read and partly enjoy which include spells. Earthsea. By Ursula LeGuin. The stories take spells much more seriously, I think, than Harry Potter, but do not divulge them. I read those, or the first two – Wizard of Earthsea and Tombs of Atuan, I thought the third one was too bleak in outlook to really enjoy it. I will add I read those before my baptism. I have not reread them after with same relish.

It is basically about « the cross » or rather burden of being a shaman. It is in a way lived -according to that book – similarily to carrying the cross of very holy and snatching souls back from the devil kind of priesthood. Ged is harrassed, all through the first book nearly, by a demon « as much as » St John Mary Vianney and Padre Pio were. That is not true. The Christian priests suffered in more security, in a way, but they suffered much much more and longer. But Ged was harrassed, and his solution is very much other than that of the Christian men, indeed it is shocking. He got rid of demonic harrassment by renaming the demon Ged, his own name.

The Holy Curate of Ars and Padre Pio never finally got rid of demonic harrassment, until they died, but always could get rid of it as soon as needed by invoking Christ.

That said, Earthsea is clearly second generation, but Harry Potter third generation, insofar as my division has any validity. Before going into first and further into second generation, let is take what little I still have to say on third generation : Pratchett I never read, Pierce Anthony I ceased reading at my Catholic conversion. There are in any of his novels passages best described as pornographic, though one would politely call them erotic now, whereas pornography is now reserved for a cruder style which did not exist back when « erotic novels » meant novels about being in love without going graphic or explicit.

Now unto first generation. William Morris wrote on House of the Wolfings in a way, and Lord Dunsany much more so on Gods of Pegana, both of which count as fantasy, for the same reason that Rider Haggard and E. Rice Burroughs wrote on exotic and quasi-Babylonic places left standing in novels like She or Jewels of Opar, or for the same reason that Oscar Wilde wrote The Ghost of Canterville or salomé or that Jules Verne wrote about at the time not yet possibly high tech submarines manned by a heavily misanthropic but somehow still very wellclad and wellkemped Captain Nemo or similar steampunk and exploration novels. Lovecraft also clearly plays around with aesthetics, horror and ugliness being part of its subject. Miskatonic University verging on Cthulhu is as much a work of twisted art (the authors would not have minded the word twisted), as a Castle in Transylvania is for Bram Stoker.

And this Bram Stoker, usually classed as « Gothic » rather than fantasy, brings us to the fact that the Cross of Christ was not quite unknown even in the XIXth C. Even after Darwin, Marx, Engels and Frazer changed the intellectual outlook of English Bourgeoisie on Christianity.

« Crux Christi sit mihi lux – Non draco sit mihi dux » is nearly the main theme of Dracula – a novel ending with the vampire receiving Communion, although it was post mortem and a few centuries late, and dissolving peacefully. Unfortunately – I will come back to it – it is not well executed. The other great non-Pagan was of course George MacDonald, a unitarian parson. Admired by G. K. Chesterton, by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien and by C. S. Lewis.

If the novels of Gilbert Keith Chesterton are more alternative reality or even steampunk, except in reverse, as predicting a future with less steam engines and less big bureaucracies (a thing he fought to bring about in reality as an essay writer too), JRRT and CSL are clearly the second generation : the fantasy writers who knew the Cross. And, in their case, it is really the Cross of Christ that they knew. Accordingly, sorcerers, witches, anything dealing with spells are not looked kindly on in their novels.

Uncle Andrew is just possibly not as clearly damned, but that is because he was so failed as a magician. Anything that can be labelled necromancy is clearly and heavily damned and condemned in those works, as surely as contracts with the devil are so. Koriakin (Voyage of the Dawn Treader) is not a human, and he is doing penance. Merlin (That Hideous Strength) is risking his soul, and his life is theologically or at least canonically and pastorally speaking in ruins anyway. The solution is other than at the end of Shakespear's last play, where the mage – a human in the end – is saved by breaking his magic staff, but the spirit of it is the same : if there is public that finds reading about magic in stories exciting, let the magicians be anything except humans doing a good thing. Non-human, damned, risking damnation. And of course avoid all that can clearly be seen or used as instructions in magic.

Now, since magic is not the protagonist of either Narnia or Eriador, of either CSL or JRRT, what is ? Mortals and immortals, fighting evil on a cosmic as well as on a military scale. And whose moral failures tend to endanger the victory, and whose moral victories aid the victory of the good.

In a way though badly executed that is true of the novel about Dracula too. Every person who gets vampyrised by him endangers other persons further. Every person can also avoid being vampirised by staying in the state of grace. In that way, Bram Stoker furthers Catholic morality. But as he executes this badly, alas he does not : he makes Dracula so much more impressive than any protagonist, including van Helsing as he appears in the novel, that the reader risks getting vampirised morally.

Christ is the hero, but he is not shining forth, for most of the novel, he is so absent as a person : He appears on the Crucifix, He appears in the Host, but he is not quite morally present as our Loving Saviour. In a way that is a point : evil often looks more impressive and looms larger in our lives than God. And still there is another reason, which is known to those who wrote the novel : He is indeed the loving Saviour of Count Dracula.

After all, which is moral enough, Dracula wins nearly every battle, but looses the war. Though van Helsing is a bitter and twisted personality – he calls on Harker to kill Lucy Westenra, his former fiancée as vampire, and he uses hypnosis on Mina – and though his allies are weak, he defeats evil, or the evil of Dracula. Because, in an obvious sense, his light is the Cross and his leader is not the dragon : meaning he is a Christian believer and that he is not a Satanist. However, the means are not pure. In that sense he does not live up to the motto.

But still, Dracula is too glorious for the reader. And the eroticism of some scenes of vampirisation are no good to people who quite as much as Mina would have needed it, in their real lives need to stay clean of mortal sin.

Now, George MacDonald, C. S. Lewis, and J. R. R. Tolkien do not make that mistake.

Sauron is impressive in his power, but stupid. The point is that evil is stupid. He lacks the imagination to see anyone « in the know » as not coveting what he covets. Saruman is impressive to a much lesser extent. His sophistication is shown for what it really is : vain stupidity in the case of his loathsome bragging about his goals as « knowledge, control, power … for good » and his kindness fares no better : « in Orthanc » – Orthanc is his castle – « friendship means slavery and help means ruin. » Those are the words in which a mere mortal reproaches the morals of that fallen angelic being.

That summing up is also fair about much of modern administration and business – and education. I did mention boarding schools and « giving lessons » to « rotters ».

Empress Jadis too (another figure of evil, like Sauron and Saruman) is out of her depth in London, where she is greeted as « Empress of Colney Hatch » – a locality which in 1900 was a wellknown mental hospital. Later in her carreer she behaves like Nurse Ratchett in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Turning people into stone because they feast ? Mistreating a poor guy who has enjoyed his first and only occasion of sexual intercourse with medication or electroshock, and starting that with intimidation ? Not very impressive characters, either of them. When they loose, they have it coming. And fantasy is superior to that film insofar as Empress Jadis really looses. Nurse Ratchett is more likely to be live and well.

Fairy tales are truer than reality, not in saying there are dragons, but in saying dragons can be defeated and killed, Chesterton somewhere said.

And in Tolkien and CSL, the good guys are not quite as awestricken with Sauron (except Pippin in a horrid minute or two, and Frodo when tormented by the Ring : unlike Lucy Westenra both are saved), nor, in the other story, with the White Witch : – « So she is the Emperor's hangman, and that is how she came to imagine she was Queen ? » said a beaver.

Yes, CSL and JRRT knew the Cross. They regarded History as being in the end a long defeat. Redeemed at just the last moment, when History will be over. Christ has not returned yet, nor will he before things get even worse in society than they are right now. And yet we must resist changes for the worse, even though here and now we sometimes, indeed often fail. Everything is in the hand of God : and so is the death of the righteous. Sometimes ignominous to earth. Whatever glory of bearing a load of suffering Satan may have got by getting defeated as a rebel, Christ overturned by being executed along with rebels, and persecuted Christians have it also – with the difference they face real tyranny and rise or stand up for real good causes – and some of them now look as lost causes. Satan regarded the presence of one better than he was himself and having a right to his adoration as « tyranny » – and is not courage, it is only very bad taste. Christ and the martyrs and heroes have a better one.

An aside on present issues : here in France we are celebrating 600 years since St Joan of Arc was born in Domrémy. She was tried as being an ally of Satan, but she was really a servant of God. She was burned on a stake symbolising the flames of Hell, but she was destined for Paradise. She fought in battles, and yet it is true generally that women should not.

Tolkien and Lewis both knew that. The War against the Kaiser of Berlin they both fought in trenches or on horseback on the side of the Entente. Here in France, if they had been of a poorer class, soldiers rather than officers, they would have been called poilus. The last of them died a few years ago. And poilus means their beard was growing wild. There were no ladies on the cavalry charges or in the trenches.

From the same war they also knew the Cross, heavily, they lost their friends and never more spoke with them on earth. Ursula LeGuin, whom I spoke of also earlier. She was daughter of an anthropologist who entertained in his house one Amerindian who was the last survivor of his people, the last Native Speaker of his language. I think they knew God, or at least CSL and Tolkien did – Ursula is still alive I think – because they knew the Cross. Like Dostoëvski. But unlike Dostoëvski, they wrote for people who are in another sense, hopefully than in a case like Dracula, afraid of the Cross.

If Bram Stoker wrote so as to incite sometimes to sin – sins of cynicism and of sexual fascination – and if Dostoëvski wrote incessantly inciting to penance, Tolkien and C S Lewis knew how to tell a story as a story before anything else.

And Lloyd Alexander – he might in a sense have been placed in the last generation, but he is chaster and has more depth – who came to Paris after its liberation in WW-II, who I think briedfly knew Gertrude Stein, he grew up under the shadow of Sister Saint Katherine Drexel, patroness of Drexel Hill. He died on the day of Ascension, 2007. Who grew up in poverty, like so many saints (Sister Drexel grew up in riches and chose poverty).

Funnily, when I look up Drexel Hill I also find Drexel University, founded by an uncle of Saint Katherine Drexel : its mascot is a dragon. And I have two dragon killers in my patron saints.

Hans-Georg Mikael E. Lundahl
St Anthelme of Belley
26 – VI – 2012

vendredi 22 juin 2012

Contra Consolmagno - as Cited by the Scotsman

Quote I:

BELIEVING that God created the universe in six days is a form of superstitious paganism, the Vatican astronomer Guy Consolmagno claimed yesterday.

Brother Consolmagno, who works in a Vatican observatory in Arizona and as curator of the Vatican meteorite collection in Italy, said a "destructive myth" had developed in modern society that religion and science were competing ideologies.

He described creationism, whose supporters want it taught in schools alongside evolution, as a "kind of paganism" because it harked back to the days of "nature gods" who were responsible for natural events.*

Refuted in full, and in Latin, on this other blog: Questiuncula de Veritatibus in Paganismo.

Summary: a truth taught by Christians during past centuries, even if no dogma, does not become an error because it is shared by Paganism. Pagan error is not a question of how much one agrees with a certain pagan religion, but of how much one disagrees with Christianity. Harking back to evil that Christians had to repudiate to become Christians is illicit, harking back to something Christians did NOT repudiate but Western Christian Sciety forgot centuries after its Christian conversion is most certainly not.

Quote II:

Brother Consolmagno, who was due to give a speech at the Glasgow Science Centre last night, entitled "Why the Pope has an Astronomer", said the idea of papal infallibility had been a "PR disaster". What it actually meant was that, on matters of faith, followers should accept "somebody has got to be the boss, the final authority".

"It's not like he has a magic power, that God whispers the truth in his ear," he said.*

Not at all. In a matter of faith, where a thing is not decided, there is no need for someone to be a boss in order to decide it. Faith limits are limited to what Christ revealed and the Holy Ghost reminded the Apostles including St Paul, but mainly the eyewitnesses, up to when the last of the Apostles left earthly life.

If Trinity had not been revealed - and I mean strictly revealed - by then, there would have been no need for Popes to stand up for Trinity against Arianism. If abortion had not already been considered by then a most ghastly kind of murder, there would be no need for Popes more recently to stand up against abortion.

There is no need to decide things, just because someone has to be the boss. The faith is not an instruction on how to run a factory. One detail in such an instruction is not decided, the factory may be standing still. And obviously someone or someones has or have to be the boss deciding it. But in matters of faith that is very much not so. Are angels pure spirits or are they a kind of souls inhabiting bodies of more subtle matter? Not revealed, not decided, as far as I know. And may never get to be decided.

Even if they are pure spirits, they certainly can "assumere corpus" - take bodily form. As for instance St Raphaël did when he walked with the younger Tobias. Even if they are pure spirits, the evil ones are able to work impregnations - though that then is effected through spiritual rape of two sinful people in solitary lust, not just one, which is what St Thomas Aquinas thought about cases like Merlin or Hercules. The other school would not agree the demon had to be a succuba before becoming an incubus in order to make children, he would be using and debasing his own body. Avoiding solitary lust is anyway obliging on Christians, even if such events are not among the likelier. So, in practise there is no need for anyone to decide whether angelic beings are perfectly pure spirits or not.

Same thing applies if beings claiming to come from outer space, from more advanced civilisations, come here and claim to be saving our world, if only the Pope or the US President or whoever will listen to their instructions. Angelic beings are able to take bodily form. God gave the Church all instructions it ever needed to save the world two thousand years ago. When those instructions are only little used, the world will die. Society will die morally, emotionally and spiritually, it will approach the state that the world before the Flood had reached just before the Flood, in the days of Noah.

What need there is of one man deciding comes when there is a serious quarrel between two factions about what belongs to the faith and not. In such cases, if Roman Catholicism is the true remnant of the original Church on that point, it is for the Pope to make a final decision. Orthodox say no single bishop can do that, and that it must be a Council. Either way, a final decision from the Church cannot be a ghastly mistake that ruins souls or even misleads intellect ever so slightly: because the CHURCH is the pillar and foundation of TRUTH.

God acting himself as "a nature god" i e directing immediately what happens in created physical nature is not condemned and cannot be condemned by the Church. Angels created by God acting as nature gods in that sense is not condemned and cannot be condemned by the Church.

The third chapter of Baruch (cited in article four of my questiuncula, relevant verses are 34, 35) was part of revelation even before Christianity. And it attributes a will to shine and praise God to the stars. Either that means stars are people like Ramandu in a certain fiction we have most of us enjoyed. Or it means at least that angelic beings are guiding orbit and light emission of any stellar object, but most especially those we traditionally call fixed stars.

Newton's Principia Mathematica, Einstein's Theory of General and of Special Relativity, Friedrich Engels' history of human civilisation in which belief in nature gods is stamped as "primitive" are none of them part of God's Revelation to Mankind, through Christ and through His Church.

Since these words were spoken by Guy Consolmagno a few years ago, more than six in fact, I can hope he has had time to reconsider his positions.

Hans-Georg Lundahl

Creationism dismissed as 'a kind of paganism' by Vatican's astronomer
Published on Friday 5 May 2006 01:35

**En Lengua Romance en Antimodernism y de Mis Caminaciones:
Questiuncula de Veritatibus in Paganismo

mardi 19 juin 2012

Mariage: 1 Homme + 1 Femme, non mariés à autrui

L'homme doit, selon la loi canonique traditionnelle (les limites ont été élévées deux ans pur les deux sexes, mais il s'agit du siècle du modernisme, le XX) en plus être majeur de 14 et la femme de 12. Les deux doivent être compotes sui - non aliénés. Le droit romain donne les mêmes limites, aussi.

On ne peut pas prétendre que ceci de la complémentarité des sexes soit discriminatoire contre la communauté homosexuelle sans admettre en même temps que les conditions de deux personnes non mariés à autrui et que l'âge de par exemple neuf est insuffisant soient discriminatoires contre la communauté des Musulman.

Mais peut-être veut on prétendre que la loi actuelle ou ses antécesseurs plus sains (quand il s'agit d'âge) discrimine indument conte les personnes atteintes de homo-érotisme mentale? Bien, non:

Josh Weed vit assez bien la législation et la morale chrétiennes - et regardez le paragraphe n° 4 à propos comment il sait qu'il est gay.

Désolé pour le texte uniquement anglais (au moins pour l'instant), mais il n'y a pas que des francophones dans le monde!

Hans-Georg Lundahl
BU-UPJV, Beauvais

And Ibn Baz changed his mind for that ...

As is well known, the Quran as much as Old and New Testaments was written before Heliocentrism became the vogue among astronomers. And of course, before Evolution became the vogue among biologists too. So, it is not quite surprising that there should be not just Protestants like Association for Biblical Astronomy or Catholics like Sungenis and me, and Lubavitchers (who apart from Biblica Hebraica - Massoretic version of Tanakh - also claim Maimonides for their view), but also at least one Islamic learned man to support stationarity of earth. So, there was, but he changed his mind:


In 1966, when Ibn Baz was vice-president of the Islamic University of Medina, he wrote an article denouncing Riyadh University for teaching the "falsehood" that the earth rotates and orbits the sun: "The Holy Quran, the Prophet's teaching and the majority of Islamic scientists prove...that the sun is running in its orbit and...that the earth is fixed and stable".[17] King Faisal was reportedly so angered by this statement he ordered the burning of all copies of the article.[17] In 1982 Ibn Baz published a book, Jarayan al-shams wa'l qamar wa-sukan al-ard ("The Motion of the Sun and the Moon and the Stationarity of the Earth"), in which he repeated his belief that the sun orbited the earth.[18] He threatened all who did not accept his view with a fatwa of takfir, declaring them infidels.[19] Ibn Baz did not change his mind until 1985 when Prince Sultan bin Salman returned home after a week aboard the space shuttle Discovery to tell him that he had seen the earth rotate.[17]

If I step into a helicopter, if it rotates around a building, it will look to me as if the building were rotating. So, Sultan bin Salman has documented, not any proof that earth rotates, but simply that there is such a thing as the illusion which Heliocentrics claim for all observers stationed on earth: looking at something which does not move from something which does and see the non-moving thing as a moving thing.

But Ibn Baz maybe thought that one view for one week by one Sultan bin Salman is surer indication of how reality really looks than the veiws of most 7 billion pairs of eyes seeing most of their lives the earth as stationary under them? Or that God has granted more to costly researchers and travellers than to the general plain man in respect of seeing reality as it is? Or, maybe he feared the wrath of the Saudi Monarchy, which he had partly already incurred.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Beauvais University Library

*Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd Allah ibn Baaz : Cosmology

mardi 12 juin 2012

Manipulation écrasante sectaire - qui est là?

Le site que je viens de citer pour le texte de Xavier Roujas sur l'école St Michel, donne aussi des critères (ou prétend le faire) pour différencier entre les trois étapes de manipulation mentale. Voici quelques-uns de la troisième étape, "manipulation écrasante":

Par sa surprotection paternaliste, il démobilise les autodéfenses personnelles des disciples et en fait des esclaves béats.

Sécurisés, déréalisés et fascinés, les zombies pensent et parlent, canalisés par les clichés obsessifs du groupe. Ils se proclament heureux (succès du quatrième stratagème) !

Les voila complices enthousiastes des délits commis sur ordre de leur «sauveur» (cinquième stratagème):

  • quête non réglementaire sur la voie publique, ...
  • entrave à la liberté d'opinion et de la presse, ...
  • torture des suspects

D'abord zombie: je me sens parfois comme tel. Par manque de sommeil. Suis-je dans un endroit inaccessible sauf aux membres de quelque secte? Non, à Beauvais. Il y a des gens qui me harcèlent pour me priver du sommeil. Comme hier la voiture des jeunes qui voualeint fumer du shit et m'en offrir à une heure qui me laissait avec un seul désir: dormir, vite. Ah oui: ils étaient venus derrière moi quand je marchais vers l'endroit où je voulais dormir pour se parquer devant. Ou les trois voitures qui étaient devant le bureau de banque où je dormais la nuit vers samedi:

  • la noire
  • BT 283 YC (qui m'a donné les 50 c. devant le vitre que j'ai hésité de cueillir, mais finalement pris, ce qui m'a valu une bouteille d'eau)
  • BQ 821 TE

Je me suis réveillé en voyant le noire, qui était en train de partir. Juste après vient BT 283 YC, avec des lumières bien allummées. Il me pose une pièce à l'extérieur. Je suis trop fatigué pour réagir correctement, et je prend les 50 c. pour 2 euro. Je donne donc un signe d'approbation avec le pouce. À peine a-t-il passé vient BQ 821 TE. Il baisse les lumières un peu plus vite, donne rien, ne sort pas. Pour les première et dernière je ne peut donner aucun signalement, je ne peux que de le faire pour l'intermédiaire: un homme d'épaules larges un peu court, tête ronde, fort, couleur de cheveux pas du tout foncée. Je ne sais pas s'il s'agit du propriétaire du voiture ou non. Encore moins pour les autres. Résultat net, le lendemain je me trouve assez crêvé. On pourrait me décrire comme un zombie. Je ne mange pourtant pas de chaire humaine. Mais je n'avais pas tellement non plus ma fraîcheur d'esprit. Ni samedi, ni dimanche.

Peut-être que quelqu'un voulait me "donner une leçon" dont il me jugeait avoir besoin?

Ou peut-être quelqu'un me soupçonnait victime d'une secte, parce que par exemple je faisais "quête non réglementaire"?

Me victimiser réellement est assez facile, si on se permet des choses comme ça contre ceux qu'on soupçonne d'être victimes de manipulation mentale. Ou victimiser d'autres dans une éventuelle situation pareille.

Peut-être devaient-ils relire la description des comportements des victimes de manipulation mentale? Par exemple, je n'ai pas commis d'actes de torture, j'en ais été victime. Par exemple privations de sommeil. Donc, il devait y avoir pas mal de victimes à Beauvais de manipulation sectaire du troisième type, la manipulation écrasante.

Mais n'en suis-je pas moi-même, vu que j'ai fait la quête non réglementaire? Bien, non. Je l'ai fait parce qu'on me refusait de mieux, par exemple un revenu pour mes écrits et mes compositions. On me soupçonne d'être victime de manipulation sectaire, on me soupçonne donc d'écrire pas mes idées mes ceux d'un gourou secret, donc on prétend ne pas avoir vu mes écrits. Chaque fois que je publie (pour un très peu de sous, vu que je peux faire 8 "copies" par copie payée, simplement en pliant et déchirant après avoir zoomé un original) quelque chose avec un lien vers un blog ou autre parmi les miens, il y a des Musulman présumables (beurs, hommes, un peu plus vieux que moi, seuls, sérieux ou ayant une mine filou), qui sont avides de recevoir si par chance je suis en train de distribuer quelque chose, et ensuite, si je m'asseois sur la rue pour mendier avec un panneau portant le url d'un lien, alors ils prétendent ne pas savoir ce que je fais. Si je galère en faisant la manche, ce n'est pas gentil de me reprocher d'écrire des choses qui ne plaisent pas à eux. Hier j'étais assis ici devant l'ordi. Un autre de ces gens était là. Il me disait que je lui avais donné une adresse. Certes, il l'avait déjà reçu. Donc je ne le lui n'ai rien offert. Mais il y a la case commentaire sur mes blogs, il ne l'a pas utilisé pendant tellement de temps (l'année passée crois-je), donc le lien ne semble pas l'avoir interessé vraiment non plus.

Je fais la quête, parce que je ne vis pas encore pleinement de mon métier l'écriture ou de mon métier la composition musicale. Et je n'ai pas envie de perdre ces métiers pour prendre un autre, plus humble. Plutôt donc prendre un peu de temps pour faire la quête. Qu'elle soit considéré comme non réglementaire est une honte. Je suis quand même un peu plus égalitaire que ceux de FSSPX: si je n'ai pas la bonne opportunité de me nourrir en me faisant l'inférieur d'un patron (car l'employé est l'inférieur de son patron) que je respecte pleinement, si je ne veux pas me faire l'inférieur d'un patron que je trouve fourbe, par exemple le genre qui m'embauche pour me sauver de manipulations sectaires, ce n'est pas normale que ma survie immédiate doive passer par la négociacion avec des gens de sécurité sociale qui donnent un paquet, peut-être suffisant mais peut-être aussi écrasant.

En plus ce site ment simplement en prétendant que la quête, autre que mendicité agressive, soit un délit. Depuis 1993 ou 1995, il est interdit pour une commune de France d'interdire totalement la mendicité. Beauvais se rend encore hors la loi. Pourquoi? Par le soupçon que des mendiants pouvaient être victimes de manipulations. Je le suis: des manipulations de part de la commune.

Je me sens de plus en plus tourmenté. Par qui? Par quelque secte? Oui, celle qui dirige Beauvais. Celle qui manipule le conservatoire d'ignorer un compositeur qu'il avait quand même accueilli assez bien l'année passée. A-t-elle un nom? Oui, je soupçonne le judaïsme talmudique en connivence avec le judaïsme maçonnique. Mais il y a pas mal de gens honnêtes qui contribuent en croyant faire leur responsabilité pour me déchirer des griffes de quelque monstre en me contrariant à chaque pas en frustrant chacune de mes démarches. Les secteristes de ... Georges Fennech. De Miviludes. De secteristes qui torturent un suspect ... d'être victime de secterisme.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
BU-UPJV, Beauvais
St Guy, 12-VI-2012

lundi 11 juin 2012

Un Café chaud pour les troupes en retour, s v p!

Afghanistan n'a pas été la croisade qu'elle aurait pu être. On aurait pu dire: faire du christianisme, du prosélytisme chrétien, de la possession d'une Bible ou de la conversion chrétienne un délit est inacceptable, tout aussi que de continuer d'héberger Oussama Ben Laden. On aurait pu pacter avec les pouvoirs qui auraient réellement pu faire cette garantie, par exemple le roi qui aurait pu jurer ça en retour d'avoir son throne. Ça aurait pu tenir, être suffisemment acceptable à l'autre partie, car pas trop loin de leurs habitudes d'avant.

Là on aurait réparé l'erreur s'il en fut d'un ultimatum d'un genre déjà condamné dans les paix de Trianon et de St Germain en Laye à propos les gens qui cachaient et ceux qui voulaient poursuivre avec leur propre forces policières le meurtrier de François Ferdinand.

On ne l'a pas fait, on a préféré donner une leçon de quelque chose beaucoup plus flou, la démocratie moderne et la civilisation occidentale. Le grand plus, on a essayé d'améliorer en certaines domaines la situation des femmes. Mais ça n'a pas suffi pour faire une campagne qui tenait.

Maintenant, les soldats reviennent: un sourire et un café ce n'est pas trop. Surtout que les rébelles (qui et contre qui?) continuent à tuer, ils ont fait 4 morts samedi, malgré la retraite débutée./HGL

mardi 5 juin 2012

From Neohimerite reaching out to Paleos and Trad Caths back to Trad Cath

1 Hungarians do play guitar (link) 2 China 3 Orthodixie: "Of course Sponge Bob is gay" (link) 4 Dale Ahlquist: "G.K. Chesterton and The Perils of ... 5 "Generous Orthodoxy" defends fallibilism? 6 Brain death diagnosis kills? (link) 7a "Kill your parents" +40ys=Educate your children! (... b I don't believe in Weathermen c How e v e r 8 "When does His Grace Hilarion sleep?" /Orthodixie ... 9 Airport Tyranny/Dinoscopus (link) 10 Mark Pivarunas, bishop, speaks (link) 11 Between Sunday of Genealogy and Christmas Day (links) 12 Two courageous men, two heavily conformist communities... 13 Reading time for Mgr Williamson! 14 Update 1: Mgr Williamson apologises for hurting people... 15 Update 3: some do not apologise or avoid schism (update 2 is in French series) 16 Count-down to St Patrick's - a link to his "breast plate"... 17 Happy St Patrick's day, all of you ... 18 Annunciation 19 Happy Annunciation, Old Calendarists! - 20 Great and Holy Tuesday (link to Fr. James) - 21 Orthodox Holy Week (link to Fr Huneycutt) - 22 Christ is risen! - 23 Il est vraiment ressuscité 24 Piracy and slavehunt are not Christian things 25 A book and a site they might not want you to read ... 26 Today's celebrations: 27 Blessed feast of the Dormition! 28 My dear Bishop Williamson, if I had earned money a... 29 Brother Dimond refutes claim that Shroud of Turin is a fake (link, youtube)... 30 Am I too libertarian for FSSPX? Hope not. 31 a Mystagogy posts certainly false allegation on St Robert Bellarmine... - b Pseudoquote identified. What De Romano Pontifice, ... really says - c Further faults of fact in the Mystagogy post

Greater series: Social and Ecological

1 Usury, definition of 2 Sur pétrol (2 liens, anglais et français) 3 Giving what - if aught at all - to beggars (from a... 4 Piracy and slavehunt are not Christian things 5 Thanks for the fifty cents, but WHO told you off? ...

1 Defending Distributism 2 Mom & Pop Stores ... 3 What is a cartel? Snow and milk business compared 4 Cooperatives, cartels, guilds, corporativism Catholic and fascist... 5 Uses of homeschooling 6 Sweden practically speaking bans me from returning...

1 Missing the Primary Questions. 2 Eight years stolen ... and how many more? 3 Children physically cannot have children (links, q... 4 Another take on FLDS (two sets of links) + update 5 Ave Maria Gratia Plena...: "Why can't women just b... 6 Teen pregnancy at Gloucester High School, Massachu... 7 Piracy and slavehunt are not Christian things 8 What is it that really happened to « victims of co... 9 Making a Killing, pt 1 (psychotropic drugging, link)... 10 Credo ... in remissionem peccatorum (English & Français)... 11 Laban, Elrond, Sarastro

Greater Series: Autobiographic

1 This man (click title for link) ... 2 Literary Converts (click title for link) 3 When in Rome 1986 just before Pentecost 4 Exmason on Masonic Oaths 5 He baptised my granny 6 My enemies, their methods goals and approximate po... 7 Pope? Poverello? Prophet? Messiah? - Who claims that's my claim, I claim he's a liar!... 8 "Pride, not suffering, then" 9 Some people cannot see beyond family

Greater Series: Church Related

1 St Augustine and Purgatory? 2 St Sava the Goth, Wallachia (link) 3 Dear St George 4 The Holy Orthodox Popes of Rome/OrthodoxEngland (l... 5 Between two 15 August 6 Holy Prophet and God-seer Moses (feast, link) 7 Nativity of the Theotokos (link) 8 [St Thomas] Aquinas agrees more or less with St Gregory Palama... 9 Orthodox influence on R. Catholicism, 20th C. (link in title).. 10 I am not that papist... 11 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (link, click title)... 12 Links for Exaltation of the Cross 13 My Patron Saint (click title) 14/15/16 Good and Holy Feast of St Martin to you! - Et bonne fête de St Martin et de l'Armistice à vous... - St Elizabeth of Hungary

Greater Series: Against Atheism

1 Was Jesus, the Christ, Essenian? 2 Discovering relevant questions or - forgetting relevant answers... 3 François Tremblay's conclusions tremble 4 God is simple. Utterly. 5 A kind of "induction" we Christians indeed cannot accept... 6 Thank you, Robert Sungenis (Ph D)! (link) 7 Arne Naess = Samuel Taylor Coleridge

lundi 4 juin 2012

Grandes séries: Confusions maçonniques sur la politique

1 Gleb Yakunin 2 Question pertinente ... 3 Caté erronné de professeur Spéculoos 4 pie xii face aux nazis (livre) 5 Ayant lu Le temps de Franco, récit par Michel de Castillo... 6 Politique internet de la Cité des Métiers 7 Enki Bilal sur Ulster: bévue ou mauvaise foi? 8 Promo, deux liens 9 À propos Djihade par persuasion ... 10 Libération de Paris 1944 ... et après? 11 Le Schindler Orthodoxe Japonais Chiune (lien, cliquez)... 12 Georges Pompidou, 5 octobre 2009 13 Quelques observations en France à Paris 14 Credo ... in remissionem peccatorum (English & Français)... 15 On discute quoi entre policiers et enseignants? 16 L'Église s'acharne, jusqu'à canonisation...

Grandes séries: Autobiographique

1 My reputation in Aix ... (link to Q&A) 2 lui et moi, c'est pas pareil 3 L'hospitalité du CREPS 4 Confiance totale demandée ... 5 Penser n'est pas tristesse 6 Le monde n'aime pas le débat. 7 Adversité ... et observation versifiées 8 Anarchie des propriétaires, communisme des démunis... 9 Bon ordre des possédants - liberté des démunis 10 Vols (ou semblables) en temps de Noël ... 11 J'avais écrit qqc de blessant 12 m_a_g_o_u_i_l_l_e_s___m_a_ç_o_n_n_i_q_u_e_s 13 La rigolade du jour ... 14 Est-il vous arrivé qu'on vous exige ...

Grandes séries: Contre la Psychiatrie

1 Si vous avez des problèmes avec la psychiatrie ...... 2 Interêts financiers dans les faux diagnoses: 3 Temps des pervers ... ce n'était pas le moyen âge 4 Penser n'est pas tristesse 5 Depuis quand est-ce que ... 6 Bénoît XVI, Notre Métropolite, T d J, Bishop Williamson... 7 Procruste et le vieux, son fils et leur âne ... 8 Dicton allemand: "In wenig Stunden hat Gott das rechte gefunden"... 9 Émotion et passion, s'égalent-ils selon la Somme?

Grandes séries: École et culture

École et culture:

1 L'enfant-roi derrière la misère d'école? Non, au m... 2 Septem artes et leurs annexes 3 Septem Artes et leurs vertus ... 4 Å & Ç 5a Décès d'Aimé Césaire ... b Poème par le décédé, critique très brève 6 Citation de Marcel Cohen, commentaire 7 Penser n'est pas tristesse 8 Source de Ste Regisse, selon H. C. Andersen 9 Gånge-Hrolf / Rollon & St Michael (lænker, liens, ... 10 Patriotisme athée ... insensé 11 Obligatoire n'est pas gratuite 12 Peut-on encore constater un problème sans détailler les solutions... 13 Un impressioniste réussi 14 exploration des logarithmes sans le flou définitoire des maths modernes... 15 Mathématiques et algèbre ou compréhension et utilité... 16 Mise à jour, logarithmes 17 À propos Djihade par persuasion ... 18 ... il m'ont appelée vilaine ... 19 M. Mitterand, ministre de la culture ...

Grandes séries: Mon retour de chez les Orthodoxes à La SSPX

Retour de chez les Orthodoxes à la Fraternité Sacerdotale St Pie X:

1 Bientôt Pâcques 2 Hristos a înviat, mais comment va notre évêque? 3 Mercredi de Pâcques; jour de St Jacques 4 Depuis quand est-ce que ... 5 Bénoît XVI, Notre Métropolite, T d J, Bishop Williamson.. 6 Les tradis à Jérusalem (lien) 7 À Lourdes demain (lien, vers Abbé de Cacqueray) 8 Joyeux Noël, lecteurs 9 Félicitations FSSPX! 10 Mgr Richard Williamson est né à Londres en 1940 11 Update 2: Prêtre orthodoxe se rejouit d'un schisme évité... (updates 1 et 3 dans la série anglaise, c'est la raison pourquoi c'est update plutôt que mis-à-jour) 12 Mgr Lefèbvre et le Concil Vatican II 13 Polémique peut-être fructueuse? 14 Comité de quelque chose dans la tête 15 Annunciation (English as some of the following ones) 16 Happy Annunciation, Old Calendarists! - 17 Tolerance ... un peu de signification 18 Great and Holy Tuesday (link to Fr. James) - 19 Orthodox Holy Week (link to Fr Huneycutt) - 20 Christ is risen! - 21 Il est vraiment ressuscité 22 m_a_g_o_u_i_l_l_e_s___m_a_ç_o_n_n_i_q_u_e_s 23 Ste Radégonde n'a pas manqué succession de sainteté en France (lien)... 24 M.A.S. alternat!ve dit "non à l'homophobie" -regardez ce qu'en dit Mgr Williamson (clicquez ici, en anglais)... 25 L'abbé Pierre était pire que je ne croyait ... (ci... 26 Consécration de Russie - peut un orthodoxe être d'accord?... 27 Miracle du 10 juillet 1628, Carpentras 28 Lien à vieux message sur Ste Ursule (cliquer ici) 29 St Pie X, son œuvre en six actes (sermon à St Nicolas du Chardonnet)... 30 Dostoïno iest - il est digne (lien, cliquez ce tit... 31 St François d'Assise (lien en titre) 32, le décisif, en anglais: a Mystagogy posts certainly false allegation on St Robert Bellarmine... - b Pseudoquote identified. What De Romano Pontifice, ... really says - c Further faults of fact in the Mystagogy post 33 Dans le jardin de l'épouse du Christ fleurissent trois miracles... 34 Je confesse ... 35/36 Trois grandes ... et combien de petites? - Solidaire avec les bouddhistes? Non.

Grandes séries : pourquoi les Juifs devraient devenir Chrétiens

Pour des particuliers de confession ou côtoyant la confession juive:

1 Judaïté de Mathathiahu Ha-Lévy 2 Et les Cohen Gadol après Notre Seigneur, jusqu'à la destruction de Jérusalem? 3 (Les juifs ne disent pas) "Athena Parthenos" 4 Le Dieu d'Israel est reconnu par les nations - depuis 2000 ans... 5 Prière d'un Juif ou d'un Chrétien déporté? 6 J'avais écrit quelque chose de mésinterprétable 7 Il était une fois un peuple qui ne servait pas les idoles... 8 L'erreur des "Nazoréens" comme les appelle Épiphane de Salamine... 9 Is Walter Kasper revisionist? (quote, comment)